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Kubasińska, Mira & Breakout
- Format: LP
- Band: Kubasińska, Mira & Breakout
- Title: Mira
- Band's Origin: PL
- Style: Rock, female vocals
- Rating: 4
- Release Year: 2021
- Recording Year: 1971
- Production Year: 1971/2021
- Record Company: Warner Music Poland
- Item's Number: 01902 9 67609 6 9
- Color of the Label: red
- Edition: 2021
- Extras: grey 180 gram vinyl
- EAN: 0190296760969
- Weight: 253 g
- Visual: new
- Acoustic:
- Cover: new
Side A
1. Do kogo idziesz / To Whom Are You Going?
2. W co mam wierzyć / What Am I to Believe in?
3. Tysiąc razy kocham / Love Thousand Times
4. Zapytam ptaków / I’ll Ask Birds
Side B
1. Kwiaty nam powiędły / Our Flowers Wilted
2. A miałeś przyjść / You Were Supposed to Come
3. Byłeś we śnie tylko / You Were in a Dream only
4. Luiza / Louise
5. Miałam cały świat / I Had the Whole World