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- Show all available 2 items of Bittová, Iva, Antonín Fajt, Babačka, Ivo Viktorin & Vladimír Václavek
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- Show all available 1 CDs of Bittová, Iva, Antonín Fajt, Babačka, Ivo Viktorin & Vladimír Václavek
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Bittová, Iva, Antonín Fajt, Babačka, Ivo Viktorin & Vladimír Václavek
Pro radost / For Joy
- Format: CD
- Band: Bittová, Iva, Antonín Fajt, Babačka, Ivo Viktorin & Vladimír Václavek
- Title: Pro radost / For Joy
- Band's Origin: CS
- Style: ethnic Folk live, female vocals
- Rating: 4
- Release Year: 2021
- Recording Year: 2020
- Production Year: 2021
- Record Company: Indies Scope
- Item's Number: 2664575-2
- Color of the Label:
- Edition:
- Extras: digipak
- EAN: 8595026645752
- Weight: 60 g
- Visual: new
- Acoustic:
- Cover: new
Supraphon Release Information
The live recording was made on 30 July 2020 as part of the Folk Holidays in Náměšti nad Oslavou. Under normal circumstances, the festival would have taken place as we have known it for decades, but only the four-day Folk Festival 2020 broke from normality. Just “covid”. With people in the auditorium wearing colourful drapes, and in the odour of disinfection, however, in the middle of Rostislav Pospíšil’s magical landscape, and in the common longing for music, which perhaps everyone who came to the concert missed. And many people only realised how much and that without live music, life is not really complete.
There were two reasons to look forward to the special concert: firstly, it was Iva Bittová’s performance, which in itself promised a great experience, and secondly, the unusual line-up made you want to enjoy such a special occasion as soon as you arrived. And the beautiful thing was that we knew, almost with certainty, that they would approach the musical adventure they had prepared for us and for themselves with a passion reserved only for those who will never get lost in it. And yet, they only need to draw the audience into it and give them the opportunity to forget all their worries for a while and sing with the large Babačka choir and, in fact, with everyone, the familiar “Písničky z balady pro banditu” (Songs from Ballad for a Bandit), Iva’s folk repertoire or, with Ivo Viktorín, those from AG Flek.
In the words of the publicist Ondřej Bezr: “Everyone present during the concert managed to create a magical, yet natural, almost family atmosphere”. Iva Bittová says: “The invitation to participate in the festival in Náměšti was a great challenge for me for several times already. It was a great challenge for me, even more so at a time of “pandemic”, when there was uncertainty about the realisation of a live production. I approached my closest friends, the musicians and the Babačka choir. A colourful programme was created, including a wonderful cheerful decoration of the space, and the spontaneous joy of the audience in masks contributed to the unique atmosphere. Despite the masks covering their mouths, I could see the bright sparks in their eyes and hear their voices. I hope that the recording of the concert will bring joy to the audience at home and help to ignite a positive spark in their hearts. Thank you all”.
Marcel Rech (with the OteSound team) contributed to the sound, and the recording was made by Jiří “Topol” Novotný. Editing, mixing, mastering by Bronislav Šmid. Traditional destival cover artwork by Rostislav Pospíšil.
Full album:
1. Les 5:00
2. Ej lásko, lásko 3:16
3. Fe labu mange 1:23
4. Ej padá, padá 1:17
5. Sil jsem proso, koníčky milého 1:44
6. Huljet, huljet 3:32
7. Na tvých rtech 4:00
8. Uspávanka 7:38
9. Čekati 2:05
10. Já mám ženu maličkou 1:26
11. Zabili, zabili 3:38
12. Tam u řeky 1:54
13. Říčka 4:43
14. In B 2:48
15. V černém 5:56
16. Víneček 3:33
17. Povej vetrík 4:39