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Hegerová, Hana
1957-2010 – Zlatá kolekce
- Format: CD
- Band: Hegerová, Hana
- Title: 1957-2010 – Zlatá kolekce
- Band's Origin: CS
- Style: Chanson, compilation, female vocals
- Rating: 4/4/3
- Release Year: 2013
- Recording Year: 1957-2008
- Production Year: 2013
- Record Company: Supraphon
- Item's Number: SU 6050-2
- Color of the Label:
- Edition:
- Extras: digipak
- EAN: 099925605025
- Weight: 165 g
- Visual: new
- Acoustic:
- Cover: new
Supraphon Release Information
Hana Hegerová in the most complete look at her work to date! After two years since the legendary singer announced the end of her active artistic career, an attractive new 3CD compilation has been released, which was selected by Mrs. Hegerová herself.
The compilation’s dramaturge Tomáš Padevět has divided the set into CD1 “Srdcovky” (Heartsongs), CD2 “Cizojazyčné písně” (Foreign Language Songs) and CD3 “Filmové, televizní a raritní písně” (Film, TV and Rare Songs). Listeners will find here among almost seventy tracks about 20 recordings presented for the first time ever on audio. The selection also includes the first Bratislava radio recording from 1957, songs from films from the early 1960s and songs that Hana Hegerová herself considered long lost.
You will hear many of her greatest hits, but also perhaps a little overheard songs, very close to the singer’s heart. Songs in foreign languages are certainly a legitimate attraction: you will hear German, French, English, Romani and Yiddish. Her unmistakable delivery has also accompanied numerous films, TV series and music programmes, including live specials – samples of all this are finally here for the taking.
Around a dozen domestic and international owners of audio or visual recordings have contributed to this selection. In fact, this “Zlatá kolekce” (Golden Collection) is also a bit of a present for Hana Hegerová’s approaching 82nd birthday. Congratulations, and above all, we still listen with great admiration: there is really something!
Hana Hegerová’s Golden Collection: hits, discoveries and curiosities from almost six decades!
CD 1 Srdcovky
1. Šťastné slunce (That Lucky Old Sun) – ℗ 1966 4:59
2. Dnes naposled – ℗ 1961 3:41
3. Černá Jessie – ℗ 1962 4:05
4. Z mého života – ℗ 1963 3:00
5. Zlá neděle – ℗ 1964 3:24
6. Barová lavice (live) – ℗ 1964 4:34
7. Kázání v kapli Betlémské – ℗ 1966 3:02
8. Žárlivost (Nem leszek a játékszered) – ℗ 1967 2:37
9. Cesta – ℗ 1969 2:33
10. Lipicáni – ℗ 1971 3:59
11. Maestro Tango (Mister Giorgina) – ℗ 1973 4:22
12. Váňa (Smutný příběh Váni) (Vanka Morozov) – ℗ 1973 2:13
13. Bože můj, já chci zpět (Ma jeunesse fout l’camp) – ℗ 1973 3:35
14. Lásko prokletá (Ne me quitte pas) – ℗ 1977 3:20
15. Milord – ℗ 1977 4:17
16. Levandulová – ℗ 1986 3:50
17. Potměšilý host – ℗ 1987 4:58
18. Čerešne – ℗ 1989 3:00
19. Rozdíl (Différence) – ℗ 1996 2:58
20. Mlýnské kolo v srdci mém (The Windmills of Your Mind) – ℗ 2010 3:26
21. Ten zlodej čas (Avec le temps) – ℗ 2010 4:53
CD 2 Cizojazyčné písně
1. Je suis seul ce soir (Som dnes večer sám) – Recorded 1957, ℗ 2013 2:58
2. Mon dieu – ℗ 1966 3:13
3. Oh, Daddy! (Ach, táto!) – ℗ 1964 2:49
4. A Signs of Spring – Recorded 1991, ℗ 2013 1:40
5. Wenn Schatten länger als die Wege sind – ℗ 1987 3:59
6. Nocturne – ℗ 1987 1:41
7. Erinnere dich – ℗ 1987 3:52
8. Augen, hell wie Bergkristalle (Oči jako jámy v nebi) – ℗ 1974 3:52
9. Ein Pferd klagt an – ℗ 1969 2:57
10. Fahr doch allein Karussell – ℗ 1965 2:54
11. Der böse Sonntag (Zlá neděle) – ℗ 1965 3:42
12. Student mit den roten Ohren (Študent s rudýma ušima) – ℗ 1965 2:52
13. Liebe (Láska jsou jen písmena) – ℗ 1965 3:46
14. Kann das plötzlich zu Ende sein – ℗ 1988 2:33
15. Als wär’s grad gestern geschehn – ℗ 1988 3:07
16. Meine jiddische Mamme (My Yiddische Momme) – ℗ 1967 4:03
17. Tum balalayka – ℗ 1987 2:24
18. Schlofsche schlof – Recorded 1988, ℗ 2013 1:42
19. Schlof mein Sohn – ℗ 1987 3:03
20. Dikta devla – ℗ 1969 2:12
21. Odol tejle – ℗ 1969 3:12
22. A já taká čarná – ℗ 1980 3:05
23. Búvaj, že mi búvaj – ℗ 1971 2:21
24. Ďaleká paseka – ℗ 1967 1:28
CD 3 Filmové, televizní a raritní písně
1. Co je blues (live) – Recorded 1963, ℗ 1964 4:21
2. Haleluja – Recorded 1966, ℗ 2013 2:59
3. Blues o stabilitě – Recorded 1966, ℗ 2011 2:51
4. Na nebi ani mráčku není – Kap, kap, kap si deštík – Recorded 1964, ℗ 2013 2:11
5. Princezna v hermelínu – Recorded 1967, ℗ 2013 2:45
6. Anežka Bémová – ℗ 1971 2:26
7. Pod Libeňským mostem – Recorded 1963, ℗ 2013 1:20
8. Panna Lízi – Recorded 1963, ℗ 2013 2:02
9. Pane, navštivte můj stánek – Recorded 1965, ℗ 2013 1:10
10. Trio Angelos – Recorded 1963, ℗ 2013 2:32
11. Tak poď, budem ťa viesť – Recorded 1972, ℗ 2013 1:54
12. Věř na lásku – Recorded 1976, ℗ 2013 2:41
13. Klíče (live) – Recorded 1976, ℗ 2013 4:09
14. Clivota (live) – Recorded 1986, ℗ 2013 2:31
15. Běh života (live) – Recorded 1988, ℗ 2013 3:24
16. Můj Bože, mládí – ℗ 1991 3:45
17. Levandulová (live) – Recorded 1986, ℗ 2013 3:20
18. Banální příběh (Anežka) – ℗ 2006 2:15
19. Píšu vám, pane, v rozpacích – ℗ 2001 2:25
20. Kdo by se díval nazpátek? – Recorded 2004, ℗ 2013 2:05
21. Kdybych byla jahodú (live) – Recorded 1990, ℗ 2013 2:45
22. Kde domov můj – Recorded 2008, ℗ 2013 3:41