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Blumental blues
- Format: LP
- Band: Fermáta
- Title: Blumental blues
- Band's Origin: CS
- Style: progressive Rock, instrumental
- Rating: 4
- Release Year: 2019
- Recording Year: 2018-2019
- Production Year: 2019
- Record Company: Pavian Records
- Item's Number: PM 0126-1
- Color of the Label:
- Edition: original
- Extras: 180 gram vinyl, fold out cover pictured
- EAN: 8588006155501
- Weight: 330 g
- Visual: new
- Acoustic:
- Cover: new
Side A
1. Booze Night / Nasávačka 4:15
2. Ladies of Avion / Slečny z Avionu 4:11
3. Blumental Blues / Blumental blues 5:01
4. The Pigeons of St. Florian / Floriánove holuby 4:50
5. Last Dance at the “Firšnál” Place / Posledný tanec na Firšnáli 3:59
Side B
1. The Copper Cock / Medený kohút 4:26
2. Hommage à Marian 1:22
3. Stupid Morning / Blbé ráno 4:57
4. The Breakfast at Stein / Raňajky u “Štajna” 4:56
5. First Morning Tram / Prvá ranná električka 6:03