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Daněk, Wabi
Rosa na kolejích
- Format: CD
- Band: Daněk, Wabi
- Title: Rosa na kolejích
- Band's Origin: CS
- Style: Folk
- Rating: 4
- Release Year: 2020
- Recording Year: 1983
- Production Year: 1984/2020
- Record Company: Supraphon
- Item's Number: SU 6705-2
- Color of the Label:
- Edition:
- Extras: digipak
- EAN: 099925670528
- Weight: 70 g
- Visual: new
- Acoustic:
- Cover: new
Supraphon Release Information
Legendary debut on CD for the first time
The first album by the then very experienced singer-songwriter in 1984 summed up his earlier work, led by the tramp anthem “Rosa na kolejích” (Rosa on the Rails). But in fact all the songs, overwhelmingly proven by previous concert performances, entered the folk hall of fame sooner or later. “Ročník 47” (Volume 47), “Hudsonské šífy” (Hudson Arrows), “Píseň, co mě učil listopad” (The Song that November Taught Me), and “Outsider Waltz” are just a few of them, with a forever firm place in our “cancés” and ears.
Then, in CD form – the first ever on its own – a selection of 12 bonus tracks and a biographical text by Mirek Černý has created what is essentially a “best of” Stanislav Wabi Daňek, brought up to 2014, when his last album was released. With the help of the Supraphon archives and licensed borrowings, it was possible to create a plastic sound picture of the career of a musician with a dramatic life destiny and a great talent to tell about it.
The CD booklet features a photo-document of the transformations of a singer, guitarist, composer and lyricist whose pleasantly civil appearance and masculinely pathetic vocals are certainly among the best that our “port” festival cradle and diverse songwriting scene has offered.
1. Ročník 47 3:39
2. Hudsonské šífy 2:41
3. Dívce v Mercedesu 3:43
4. Fotky 4:36
5. Fram 2:04
6. Outsider Waltz 3:09
7. Na cestě 3:11
8. Píseň, co mě učil listopad 3:19
9. Stromy 2:51
10. Papírové řetězy 3:06
11. Nevadí 4:44
12. Rosa na kolejích 2:42
13. Vítr – ℗ 1986 3:15
14. Čím větší bloud, tím tvrdší pád (The Bigger the Fool, the Harder the Fall) – ℗ 1986 3:34
15. Jak léta jdou – ℗ 1996 2:20
16. Shantytown – ℗ 1999 2:24
17. Padá déšť – ℗ 2002 2:39
18. Nech svět, ať se točí dál (Make the World Go away) – ℗ 2002 3:19
19. Montgomery (Jižní eskadrona) – ℗ 2002 3:27
20. Bobby McGee (Me and Bobby McGee) – ℗ 2009 4:43
21. Život běží dál – ℗ 2009 3:26
22. Ďáblovo stádo (Riders in the Sky) – ℗ 2012 3:40
23. Samota – ℗ 2012 3:50
24. Tam za Cukrovou horou (Big Rock Candy Mountain) – ℗ 2014 2:43