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Dedić, Matija
Male ljubavi … susreti
- Format: CD
- Band: Dedić, Matija
- Title: Male ljubavi … susreti
- Band's Origin: YU / HR
- Style: Jazz, instrumental
- Rating: 4
- Release Year: 2017
- Recording Year: 2017?
- Production Year: 2017
- Record Company: Croatia Records
- Item's Number: CD 6077489
- Color of the Label:
- Edition:
- Extras: digipak
- EAN: 3850126077489
- Weight: 61 g
- Visual: new
- Acoustic:
- Cover: new
1. Potraži me u predgrađu 3:46
2. Molitva za Magdalenu 3:37
3. Nije htjela 3:31
4. Što te nema 3:14
5. Odlazak 4:17
6. Kradem ti se u večeri 4:49
7. Otkako te ne volim 2:43
8. Vraćam se 4:55
9. O, mladosti 4:07
10. Što me čini sretnom 3:33
11. Divji cvit 6:42