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Jazz Q
- Format: CD
- Band: Jazz Q
- Title: Talisman
- Band's Origin: CS
- Style: Jazzrock, instrumental
- Rating: 4
- Release Year: 2016
- Recording Year: 2015
- Production Year: 2016
- Record Company: Studio Budikov
- Item's Number: SB 030
- Color of the Label:
- Edition:
- Extras: digipak
- EAN: 8594159980303
- Weight: 65 g
- Visual: new
- Acoustic:
- Cover: new
Indies Records Release Information
Some twenty sketches were made at the cottage in the Jizera Mountains, which after some selection by the author and the band during rehearsals were reduced to 14 rehearsed items and after further selection and reduction came to the final number included on the CD. It is also interesting to follow the metamorphosis of the songs from the first sketches through the demo to the final form of the recording.
Laco Deczi has been replaced by the young talented drummer Filip Jeníček, whose rhythmic inventiveness and precision also has a beneficial influence on the proven matador Přemysl Faukner. He has added a harder funky fretted instrument to his fretless and together with Filip they weave an excellent and inventive engine of the whole band. Zdeněk Fišer also expanded his guitar range with a softer sounding oboe instrument on “Waltz pro tátu” (Waltz for My Dad).
On the other hand, he has also strengthened his hysterically distorted guitar tone (e.g. on “Stařešina” (Patriarch) or on “Achilova pata” (Achilles’ Heel). Matěj Večera, a proven sound engineer from Studio Budíkov, has improved his technological arsenal, too, but also his musical sense for our new music.
Full album:
1. Darmošlap / The Idler 4:29
2. Stařešina / Patriarch 5:49
3. Povětří / A Light Breeze 4:01
4. Achilova pata / Achilles’ Heel 3:48
5. Lehkomyslník / Nonchalant 5:15
6. Ortel / The Verdict 4:10
7. Návěj / Snowdrift 4:39
8. Pelyněk / Wormwood 5:18
9. Drobnolistý kvítek / Delicate Flower 3:45
10. Pán a rab / Lord and Serf 3:05
11. Waltz pro tátu / Waltz for My Dad 4:26
12. Talisman / Talisman 5:19