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Echo of Dalriada
- Format: CD
- Band: Echo of Dalriada
- Title: Fergeteg
- Band's Origin: HU
- Style: Folk Metal, male & female vocals
- Rating: 4
- Release Year: 2004
- Recording Year: 2004
- Production Year: 2004
- Record Company: Nail Records
- Item's Number: NAILCD 034
- Color of the Label:
- Edition:
- Extras:
- EAN: 5999505132314
- Weight: 111 g
- Visual: new
- Acoustic:
- Cover: new
1. Védj meg, láng! / Save me, Flame! 8:06
2. Népdal / Folk-song 2:50
3. Vérző ima / Bleeding Prayer 5:10
4. Szabad madár / Free Bird 2:51
5. A rab gólya / The Caged Stork 6:59
A Walesi bárdok / The Bards of Wales
6. Wales / Wales 5:32
7. Ötszáz máglya / Five Hundred Stakes 6:44
8. Mi zúg...? / ’ods Blood 6:24
9. Ötödik nap / Fifth Day 8:24
10. Outro / Outro 1:44