Rudán, Joe
Feketén fehéren

  • Tonträger: CD
  • Gruppe: Rudán, Joe
  • Titel: Feketén fehéren
  • Land der Gruppe: HU
  • Stil: Hardrock
  • Rating: 4
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2021
  • Aufnahmejahr: 2021?
  • Produktionsjahr: 2021
  • Plattenfirma: H Music
  • Artikelnummer: H-040 CD
  • Farbe des Labels:
  • Ausgabe:
  • Extras: digipak
  • EAN: 9008798436491
  • Gewicht: 74 g
  • Optisch: new
  • Akustisch:
  • Cover: new

H Music & Dionysos Rising Release Information

The legendary singer, formerly frontman of Pokolgép, P. Mobil and Dinamit, has a new album containing 12 new songs and 6 bonus tracks, which will be released simultaneously with the Rudán book.

“Feketén fehéren” (In Black and White), is in fact a direct continuation of Joe Rudán’s solo album “Még egy tárral” (One more Magazine), recorded in 2017. Perhaps only the tone has become a little angrier, more outspoken, openly taking this or that political view: if necessary, the obvious flaws of our present society, if necessary, the European political life or the migrant flood will take its toll, focusing on individual and collective freedom.

Musically, each and every composition is equally captivating, a style that straddles the line between hard rock and heavy metal, evoking the musical evolution of the last thirty years as much as the musical heroes of Joe’s career. Hammond organs, thundering guitars, driving melodies and flavoursome riffs: if you have loved the singer’s previous work, you won’t be disappointed this time, and that’s no small feat, as the album features 18 tracks, six of which are bonus tracks, but none of which I would say are fillers. Feel the amazing stench of the opening track “Én azt mondom” (I Say It) , indulge in the wonderful power lyrics of “Szép új világ” (Brave New World), or headbang to the galloping rhythms of “Élet vagy halál” (Life or Death). I am sure you will find more favourites to discover if you follow the path these songs take you down.



József Rudán: Lead vocals
László Tóth: guitar (1, 3, 5, 6, 11, 13, 15)
Máté Gyenes: keyboards (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13)
Attila “Süni” Gyenes: bass guitar (3, 5, 6 , 7, 11, 13)
Péter “Fidó” Friskó: bass guitar (1, 17, 18), vocals (2, 5, 8, 9)
Zoltán “Csüli” Tóth: drums ( 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 , 7 , 10 , 11, 13, 18)
Lejla Horváth: vocals (15, 16)
Dávid Nagy: guitar (1, 10)
Zsolt Vámos: guitar (2)
Zoltán Závoti: guitar (4, 9)
Zsolt Szijártó: guitar (8)
Zsolt Tiffán: guitar (11)
Fris Sasa: guitar (12)
Dániel Hetesi: guitar (14)
Miklós Matláry: keyboards (12)
Krisztián Horváth: keyboards (14)
Balázs Szentgyörgyváry: keyboards (15, 16, 17)
Vali Barcsik: piano (18)
András Ispán: bass guitar (8, 12)
Péter Baksa: bass guitar (14)
Krisztián Balogh: drums (8)
Attila Németh: drums (12)
Attila Bagány: drums (14)


1. Én azt mondom 3:33
2. Ami a szívemen 3:38
3. Tiszta lappal 3:44
4. Szép új világ 4:54
5. Feketén fehéren 4:54
6. Élet vagy halál 4:50
7. Van még miért 5:07
8. Falra festett szív 3:38
9. Házunk mellett 4:20
10. Várj az égben 4:20
11. Nibiru 6:18
12. Egy új világ reggelén 5:43
13. Eltévedt fiú 5:46
14. Áldjon az ég 2:15
15. Akarom 2:21
16. Reggelig felszántom 2:36
17. Vissza nem térek 2:16
18. Elmúlik 3:43