Niemen, Czesław & Akwarele

  • Format: CD
  • Band: Niemen, Czesław & Akwarele
  • Title: Sukces
  • Band's Origin: PL
  • Style: Beat & Soul
  • Rating: 4
  • Release Year: 2024
  • Recording Year: 1968
  • Production Year: 1968/2024
  • Record Company: Warner Music Poland
  • Item's Number: 50541 9 79358 7 9
  • Color of the Label:
  • Edition:
  • Extras: Super Audio CD
  • EAN: 5054197935879
  • Weight: 112 g
  • Visual: new
  • Acoustic:
  • Cover: new

Warner Music Poland Release Information

The album “Sukces” (Success) (SACD Hybrid) by Czesław Niemen & Akwarele in a limited edition, in the series “Polskie Nagrania Catalogue Selections”. This is the first edition of this album in the SACD (Super Audio Compact Disc) format. The choice of this format is a nod to audiophiles.

“Sukces” has been Czesław Niemen’s second solo studio album with his band Akwarele. It was recorded a year after the publishing success of the album “Dziwny jest ten świat…” (Strange Is this World...). The album “Sukces” was indeed a huge success for the artist. It sold more than 150.000 copies and strengthened Niemen’s position as a leading artist on the Polish scene.

The album is a stylistic continuation of the first album – even more interesting and mature – containing many hits remembered to this day, including “Płonąca stodoła” (Burning Barn), “Włóczęga” (Vagabond), “Klęcząc przed tobą” (Kneeling in front of You), and “Allilah”.


1. Płonąca stodoła 2:31
2. Gdzie mak się czerwieni 2:40
3. Włóczęga 2:30
4. Narodziny miłości 2:38
5. Allilah 2:46
6. Najdłuższa noc 3:06
7. Sukces 3:13
8. Jeżeli 2:22
9. Spiżowy krzyk 2:16
10. Tyle jest dróg 3:31
11. Niepotrzebni 2:50
12. Klęcząc przed tobą 3:49